Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Moving to Europe Ain't Cheap

I have come to the conclusion that moving from one continent to another is not easy on the pocketbook. The list of things I "need" (i.e. want more than need, don't really want but need, both want and need), is never-ending! Just when I think I am whittling down the list, three or four more things pop into my head and make it on the Things I "Need" list.

Let's just re-cap the already purchased necessities:

-plane ticket: Self-explanatory, really.

-new luggage (3 pieces): It's really nice, by the way, and red, red, red--with yellow lining. I got two 29" uprights and a carry on rather than a set, which would only come with one large piece. Necessary because the luggage I took with me to the DR is a) falling apart, and b) too big to manage by myself.

-case for my camera: A must-have either way, since I didn't have one and was using the small bubble-wrap pocket that my camera was shipped in.

-toothbrush heads for my new toothbrush: two packs just because who knows where or when I will find them again.

And the latest:

-plug adaptors: Absolutely necessary for my laptop, camera battery charger and toothbrush, plus anything else that I take with me which requires electricity.

Things I have yet to buy:

-laptop: Do I really need this? I think so. I have justified it seven ways from Sunday, and well, I want one. The biggest perk is that I can travel and work at the same time! Yay lesson plans on the go.

-bigger SD card for my camera: My camera came with a 16MB card, so I will definitely need something larger for when I go away for the weekend and can't empty my camera becauseI didn't take my laptop with me--you know, on that off chance that I may have no work to do. It could happen.

-CD-R's and DVD-R's: for my laptop of course! I can burn some movies to watch, and make picture and music albums on CD's.

-Rough Guide to Italy 7: How will I know where I am going without it?

I think that's it for now. The plug adaptors, toothbrush heads and CD's are the most recent additions to the list. I hope I don't think of anything else or I will be broke!


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