I just found out from the school in Italy that due to some staffing changes, I won't be teaching first grade after all. I will be teaching SECOND GRADE. Thank goodness! That is quite possibly the BEST NEWS EVER!!!!! *happy dance*
Cannot contain excitement.
Cannot contain excitement.
At 10:30 pm, July 25, 2005,
Just Say No said…
There's THAT much of a difference? I had no idea!
So what are some of the key differences?
At 8:57 pm, July 26, 2005,
Going Somewhere said…
Where to start?
First of all first grade is a HUGE transition year for several reasons:
1) Many new concepts are learned in first grade, such as reading, writing, addition, and subtraction. Kids are expected to know how to do all these things by the end of first grade (especially reading), so there is a lot of pressure on the teacher. If the kids don't get it in first grade, then they will be struggling all the way though their education.
2) Depending on the school, it is their first experience with whole day classes, desk work, and a more structured day.
3) There is less play time than in kindergarten as they are expected to "work" now.
4) For some kids, it is their first expereince in that particular school(some parents send their kids to nursery school and then change the kids in first grade) so they have to adjust to the school as well.
5) In a school like where I am teaching, the children are just learning English in first grade.
Second grade is really just a continuation of first grade in that no new concepts are taught. You just build on what they know from first grade: begin reading longer books and writing longer compostions, start adding and subtracting with two digit numbers. They will also have a better command of the English language.
Second grade is easy compared to first grade. They are already used to the routines of whole-day classrooms, they should know how to read, write, add, and subtract--and if they don't, it is only a few kids as opposed to the whole class. Also, they are more independent, and don't need the teacher for everything. They can get dressed by themselves when going out for recess, they can tie their shoes, etc.
There are big differences!!!!! I am so glad I am teaching second grade! :D
At 2:35 am, July 27, 2005,
Anonymous said…
What did they say? Why did they do this? That rocks!!!
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