Well, I bought my (non-refunadable) ticket to Italy today! Oh my gosh! I know I said I was going to do it on Friday, but I kinda chickened out thinking about what would happen if I didn't get my visa. The guy at the visa office said that it was 99% likely that I would get the visa, but since he didn't know my background, he couldn't say for sure. Given that I am not affiliated with any terrorist groups that I know of (although they might think otherwise after seeing my non-smiling passport-sized photos. What is with this new no-smiling policy anyways? Really, it just makes everyone look like ax murderers), I *hope* that I will get my visa with no problems. I really just think they are concerned about whether or not I have enough money to prevent me from setting up shop over there on government funds. Every question I had about the required documentation (some of which I don't have due to being in the DR for the last two years) was answered by "Do you have a bank statement?" So I think (hope, pray) that I will be fine. But anyone who knows me knows I worry mercilessly. And after the Mexico experience with my boss, I now know that even when it's a sure thing, it's not a sure thing.
Anyways, I went on-line today to check the flight prices like I obsessively do at least 10 times a day....and what do you think I found???? That's right! The price went up! *minor heart attack* But by less than $100, so it could have been worse. So after a few frantic calls to the airline, checking other days for prices, and almost booking the wrong trip, I just bit the bullet and bought the damn thing!
Just at that moment, New Homeowner called to say she was on her way over. So I ran around trying to finish getting ready before she got there when it hit me: I bought my ticket to Italy. PANIC!!!! Thank goodness my mother was there to pick up the pieces so New Homeowner was greeted by an only partially fallen apart Travel Bug (meh--she's known me long enough not to be alarmed by this). But after some lunch and a Tim Horton's Iced Cappucino, all was good.
Now I am pretty excited! I am definitely going to Italy. WOW!! I figure the worst that can happen is that I DON'T get my visa, but even then I will still have a job over there, and I will still be allowed to enter the country. If that did end up being the case, then I am sure the school would be able to sort something out for me once I got there. So no worries! Geez! I wish I had thought of that a few days ago before the prices went up! LOL
Anyways, I went on-line today to check the flight prices like I obsessively do at least 10 times a day....and what do you think I found???? That's right! The price went up! *minor heart attack* But by less than $100, so it could have been worse. So after a few frantic calls to the airline, checking other days for prices, and almost booking the wrong trip, I just bit the bullet and bought the damn thing!
Just at that moment, New Homeowner called to say she was on her way over. So I ran around trying to finish getting ready before she got there when it hit me: I bought my ticket to Italy. PANIC!!!! Thank goodness my mother was there to pick up the pieces so New Homeowner was greeted by an only partially fallen apart Travel Bug (meh--she's known me long enough not to be alarmed by this). But after some lunch and a Tim Horton's Iced Cappucino, all was good.
Now I am pretty excited! I am definitely going to Italy. WOW!! I figure the worst that can happen is that I DON'T get my visa, but even then I will still have a job over there, and I will still be allowed to enter the country. If that did end up being the case, then I am sure the school would be able to sort something out for me once I got there. So no worries! Geez! I wish I had thought of that a few days ago before the prices went up! LOL
At 6:53 am, July 27, 2005,
Going Somewhere said…
Thanks! I have to go back to the consulate on August 16th to hopefully pick up my visa, so fingers crossed until then!
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