Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Friday, August 12, 2005

Yes Santa Claus, There Really Are Children

I decided that since I am sleeping better, I would test my caffiene theory out. You know, that any amount of a caffienated beverage will keep me up at night. I have tested this theory out numerous times already, mind you, but thought it was worth another try since I discovered the other cause of my insomnia. See, if it has been the lights all along and not the caffiene, then I can drink with reckless abandon and not worry about being up all night.

But alas, reckless drinking is not in my future. It seems that caffiene is the other culprit contributing to my insomnia. No more caffiene for me. Not if I drink it early. Not if I drink it late. Not if I workout. Not if I do absolutely nothing. No caffiene. Unless I NEED to stay up all night, that is. Caffiene is also evil. *yawn*


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