Buyer Beware
Today Jen and I went power shopping (read: ran around like headless chickens all over Toronto). Why? Because GAP has three great things going for it:
1)Three new styles of jeans to fit every body--straight, original, and curvy.
2) Free iTunes download when you try on a pair of jeans.
And quite possibly the best reason yet...
3)All jeans, including the new styles, are on sale for $55!!! Regular $80!!! When we found that out, we got the biggest adrenaline rush ever. Now I can totally justify two pairs.
If those aren't good enough reasons to run around to every GAP store in the GTA, then I don't know what are.
We finally ended up finding perfect fits, after returning to the Bay and Bloor store for Jen, and hoofing it all the way up to the Yorkdale store for me, which is where things got interesting.
Apparently, the Yorkdale store isn't participating in the iTunes promotion thingy. Ok, no big deal. I can live with that. I try on the jeans anyways, and go to pay for them. When the guys rings them up, he announces my total "That's $91.42." My second adrenaline rush for the day. My heart can only take so much excitement you know. I look at him quizzically and say "I thought all jeans were on sale for $55." At that point, my mind started running through scenarios of how to purchase the perfect jeans yet pay only $55 for them, so I kinda tuned out during his response. I only caught the part about "Since you know about the promotion, we will honour it for you." Phew! *sigh of relief*
Jen later filled me in on the details: Apparently the Yorkdale store is a 'control store' so they are not participating in GAP promotions. But if you mention the promotion, then they have to honour it. What the hell? How wrong is that? How many people go in there without realizing that the jeans are on sale? That's $30 extra in GAP's pockets!!! Jen and I were lucky to find out about the deal ourselves. We saw a sign at another GAP, but the price tags on the jeans weren't marked down, so we didn't think the jeans we were looking at were the ones they were advertising. And no one mentioned it to us either. We finally put two and two together and asked a casheir to confirm. Personally, I am shocked that the GAP would have a double standard like that. I think I will call their 1-800 number to complain.
So beware everyone! GAP is seriously trying to rip some people off at Yorkdale! That just further confirms my opinion that Yorkdale is evil. Well, so is the GAP for that matter but I am already sucked in. The best I can do at this point is warn everyone else. Jen and I were tempted to stand out front of the store and tell everyone who went in about the promotion, but we thought we might get hauled away by mall security.
But at least we got the perfect jeans AND we didn't fall vicitm to their evil plot. That's all that really matters in the end, right?
1)Three new styles of jeans to fit every body--straight, original, and curvy.
2) Free iTunes download when you try on a pair of jeans.
And quite possibly the best reason yet...
3)All jeans, including the new styles, are on sale for $55!!! Regular $80!!! When we found that out, we got the biggest adrenaline rush ever. Now I can totally justify two pairs.
If those aren't good enough reasons to run around to every GAP store in the GTA, then I don't know what are.
We finally ended up finding perfect fits, after returning to the Bay and Bloor store for Jen, and hoofing it all the way up to the Yorkdale store for me, which is where things got interesting.
Apparently, the Yorkdale store isn't participating in the iTunes promotion thingy. Ok, no big deal. I can live with that. I try on the jeans anyways, and go to pay for them. When the guys rings them up, he announces my total "That's $91.42." My second adrenaline rush for the day. My heart can only take so much excitement you know. I look at him quizzically and say "I thought all jeans were on sale for $55." At that point, my mind started running through scenarios of how to purchase the perfect jeans yet pay only $55 for them, so I kinda tuned out during his response. I only caught the part about "Since you know about the promotion, we will honour it for you." Phew! *sigh of relief*
Jen later filled me in on the details: Apparently the Yorkdale store is a 'control store' so they are not participating in GAP promotions. But if you mention the promotion, then they have to honour it. What the hell? How wrong is that? How many people go in there without realizing that the jeans are on sale? That's $30 extra in GAP's pockets!!! Jen and I were lucky to find out about the deal ourselves. We saw a sign at another GAP, but the price tags on the jeans weren't marked down, so we didn't think the jeans we were looking at were the ones they were advertising. And no one mentioned it to us either. We finally put two and two together and asked a casheir to confirm. Personally, I am shocked that the GAP would have a double standard like that. I think I will call their 1-800 number to complain.
So beware everyone! GAP is seriously trying to rip some people off at Yorkdale! That just further confirms my opinion that Yorkdale is evil. Well, so is the GAP for that matter but I am already sucked in. The best I can do at this point is warn everyone else. Jen and I were tempted to stand out front of the store and tell everyone who went in about the promotion, but we thought we might get hauled away by mall security.
But at least we got the perfect jeans AND we didn't fall vicitm to their evil plot. That's all that really matters in the end, right?
At 3:45 am, August 15, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i've hardly shopped at the gap since they went onto their neutral colour scheme a few years ago. you should check out the heartland centre in mississauga
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