I Clearly Am Not THAT Panicked
Either that, or I love to procrastinate. Personally, I'd take the procrastination. It goes with the hiding under the pillow thing. Maybe everything will sort and pack itself while I type this post.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Get trained in the Primary Years Program
2. Learn Ukranian and go to Ukraine
3. My Master's in Lingusitics
4. Go to Greece
5. Learn my grandmother's recipes
6. Take a vacation with my friends
7. Stomp on grapes with my feet (at a vineyard people)
7 things I can do:
1. Speak and understand Dominican Spanish
2. Dance merengue like a local
3. Run like the dickens while wearing flip flops
4. Play dominoes
5. Format a computer and partition the hard drives
6. Get a whole group of kids to do what I want them to do
7. Pack using every inch of available space in my suitcase
7 things I cannot do:
1. Get a job with the TDSB (not that I want one now, but still)
2. Drink caffienated beverages and expect to sleep
3. Keep my thoughts or feelings from showing on my face
4. Play euchre or poker
5. Step on a roach to kill it
6. Drive a car (standard or automatic)
7. Calculus or any other advanced math
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Eyes
2. Smile
3. Sense if humor
4. Taller than me
5. Older than me
6. Smart
7. Willingness to laugh at himself
7 things that I say most often:
1. What the???
2. Boo-urns
3. Yikes
4. Yay
5. Sigh (yes, I actually say the word)
6. Meh, whatever
7. Riiiiight
7 celebrity crushes:
1. Johnny Depp
2. Owen Wilson
3. Luke Wilson
4. John Mayer
5. Prince/The Artist Formerly Known As Prince
6. Kronk
7. I don't have a 7th. It took me long enough to come up with 6, and I had to resort to animated men!
7 people I want to do this
Most of the people I would choose have already done this, so......
Now to go see how much progress my stuff has made without me.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Get trained in the Primary Years Program
2. Learn Ukranian and go to Ukraine
3. My Master's in Lingusitics
4. Go to Greece
5. Learn my grandmother's recipes
6. Take a vacation with my friends
7. Stomp on grapes with my feet (at a vineyard people)
7 things I can do:
1. Speak and understand Dominican Spanish
2. Dance merengue like a local
3. Run like the dickens while wearing flip flops
4. Play dominoes
5. Format a computer and partition the hard drives
6. Get a whole group of kids to do what I want them to do
7. Pack using every inch of available space in my suitcase
7 things I cannot do:
1. Get a job with the TDSB (not that I want one now, but still)
2. Drink caffienated beverages and expect to sleep
3. Keep my thoughts or feelings from showing on my face
4. Play euchre or poker
5. Step on a roach to kill it
6. Drive a car (standard or automatic)
7. Calculus or any other advanced math
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Eyes
2. Smile
3. Sense if humor
4. Taller than me
5. Older than me
6. Smart
7. Willingness to laugh at himself
7 things that I say most often:
1. What the???
2. Boo-urns
3. Yikes
4. Yay
5. Sigh (yes, I actually say the word)
6. Meh, whatever
7. Riiiiight
7 celebrity crushes:
1. Johnny Depp
2. Owen Wilson
3. Luke Wilson
4. John Mayer
5. Prince/The Artist Formerly Known As Prince
6. Kronk
7. I don't have a 7th. It took me long enough to come up with 6, and I had to resort to animated men!
7 people I want to do this
Most of the people I would choose have already done this, so......
Now to go see how much progress my stuff has made without me.
At 12:09 am, August 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i bet you've become the queen of packing, nice job on the list. it was alot harder than i thought too.
At 8:18 am, August 27, 2005,
Prairie Salmon said…
We are sooooo going to stomp grapes; even if it means starting our own vineyard.
We can call it "Stomping Grape Vineyard” and make millions by charging people to stomp the grapes by foot except for the ones that really REALLY want to do it (i.e. it is on their list of “7 things they plan to do before they die”) and market the wine as “Wine created by methods used in the days of Yore”.
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