Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

About To Do My Head In

I really am!

I am *trying* (operative word here) to write progress reports. Joy. All I have to say is "Augh! Italian progress reports!!!!!" Or rather "Italians and their weird grading system!!!" Really.

You try having to determine if a student is:

-insufficient (non-sufficiente)
-sufficient enough (appena sufficiente)
-sufficient (sufficiente)
-more sufficient (sufficiente piu)

*and those are just for the failers!*

-good (buono)
-better (buono piu)
-distinct (distinto)
-more distinct (distinto piu)


-optimum (ottimo)

That's like, 9 possible grades times 19 children. We are looking at 171 different possibilities here. Times that by 6 subjects and you get 1026 possible grades. GAH! I am not even sure I can make 9 different differentiations (how's that for redundant) between the ability level of one child. What is the difference between sufficiente piu, and buono, really? A few spelling mistakes?

Whatever happened to good ol' NS, S, G, or VG? Nice and easy: 4 choices. Either you get it, or you don't. None of this "Well if Venus is rising and Saturn descending, and the placement of the clouds just covers three quarters of the half moon, then congratulations! You are distinct." 9 choices is just too many.

In addition, we have to write in comments for every subject (English, Math, Science, History, Geography, Art, and Social Skills) in blank boxes. No format, no rubric-style checklist with curriculum objectives. Nothing. Nada. Neinte. Rien (I am out of foreign languages with which to say "nothing" or I would keep going). I mean, if you are going to ask me to write 7 comments per child (133 comments total. *eyes bug out of head* I better get cracking on these things!!!), at least give me something to go on!

*sigh* Back to work.

P.S. You can grade my post if you like: Which of the 9 grades would you give me?


  • At 7:22 am, February 05, 2006, Blogger Just Say No said…


  • At 8:29 am, February 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lol, yes: buono!

    Well our grading system goes on a scale too. For instance with grade 2.

    Grade 2 = level 2 (level 2 encompasses grade 1 AND grade 2).

    Within level 2 we have

    Beginning 1 (beginning level 2)
    Beginning 2 (a bit further than beginning 1)

    Consolidating 1 (is beginning to consolidate outcomes)
    consolidating 2 (working at consolidating)
    consolidating 3 (almost established level 2 outcomes)

    Established (finished level 2)

    If they are above that then it goes onto level 3 (which has a whole new set of BCE) or if they are still working at grade prep level then you grade them on Level 1 BCE.

    Just when I got used to that, they decided to change the whole grading system - and I don't understand the new lot at all. ugh.


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