Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Out of Touch

Now that I am living in what I consider to be a third world country in some ways, I mean Italy, I have got out of the loop on some things.

One of those things is television. As I mentioned in my 4 Things post, I don't have what we North Americans would consider as cable here. As such, watching tv is no longer something I do. Thank god I have a computer and the internet, or I think I would truly go insane.

And so, I have no idea what tv shows are on anymore. This became painfully obvious to me when my friends did thier own 4 Things post on their blogs. They all watch Corner Gas and I have no idea what it is.

What is it??? What is it??? What is it???

Someone! Anyone! Please enlighten me! I simply MUST know!!!


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