Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Monday, January 30, 2006

What the???

I was shopping in the supermarket at the end of my street (the one I went into all bloodied and broken) tonight when I saw the strangest thing. I was getting some more flour since I had just used the last of mine yesterday making pancakes, and I looked up to see some "Manitoba Flour." This caused me to do a double take for two reasons:

1) The word Manitoba is on a package of something in Italy

2) There was a big ol' American Flag on the package.

(For those of you not in the 'know,' Manitoba is NOT in the United States. No, it is a part *sigh* of Canada. (That sigh was for you Damsel))

So, I stood there contemplating the package for a moment, wondering if somehow there was a reasonable explaination for a Canadian product having an American flag on it. Nothing reasonable-sounding enough came to mind, so I picked up the package and started reading:

"This flour is made with blah, blah, blah type of wheat. This wheat comes from a Canadian area in North America, called Manitoba, which was named after the indians that lived there......[I stopped reading at this point]"

Riiight. The Canadian area of North America. I'll remember that.....Oh, you know Italy, the southern part of FRANCE!!!

News flash: This just in! Canada is its own country! *shock*

No wonder the rest of the world just lumps us (Americans and Canadians) all together. Damn flour package......*mutter mutter*


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