Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Ah, music! Sweet, sweet music. The sweet music, that is, of clothes tumbling around in my new WASHING MACHINE!!! Squeeeeee!!!!!

For those of you not abreast of current events, my old washing machine urm....broke (hee) two and a half weeks ago. The repair guy came a week ago, and since then I have been waiting for the replacement to arrive.

On Monday (the 26th) the director called to tell me that a new washer was on its way:

D: I know you are leaving on Thursday morning.

Me: Right.

D: The new washing maching will arrive on Wednesday morning! *maniacal laughter ensues*

Me: Ok.

Needless to say I have been waiting for this morning since I have a lot of laundry to do before going home!

I woke up this morning at around 9:15am, but no call from the delivery guys, so I got the receipt that the director gave me and called them up.

(In Italian:)

Me: Yes, someone is supposed to come today with a washing machine. What time are you coming?

Guy: What is the address?

Me: *gives address*

Guy: We'll be right over.

45 minutes later, the new washing machine was all set up, and as I type, is happily swishing around. I guess I am finally learning how to get things done in this country.

Old washing machine that smelled musty and leaked water all over the place.

Shiny, new washing macine that does not smell like mold, and as yet has not leaked water all over the place.


  • At 2:31 am, June 29, 2006, Blogger Trundling Grunt said…

    That's cool. Does it beep? We have Bosch machines, in every sense of the word and they nag at you by beeping repeatedly. It's like one of those virtual pets that just won't shut up.

  • At 6:14 pm, June 29, 2006, Blogger Winnipeg Damsel said…

    Oooo, nice. LOVE the front loaders but that still doesn't seem to be the norm round these here 'Peg parts...

  • At 3:21 am, July 01, 2006, Blogger Going Somewhere said…

    TG: No it doesn't beep thank goodness or I might have been forced to throw it out the window.

    WD: Sure, it LOOKS nice, but that doesn't change the fact that it takes an hour and a half to do one load of washing.


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