Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Pasta or Pizza?

That is the classic quesiton here in Italy, since that is about all the food on offer. A million different types of pasta, or a million different types of pizza.

And other types of food, like Chinese, Greek, or Mexican? Fuh-ged-abouwd-it!

To further my theory on Italian food, here is a quote from Ramon's blog referring to a night out with some friends (including Italians) in Paris to a Korean BBQ: "It was a near disaster as it turns out Italians only know how to eat pasta, pizza (and not even good pizza like in the States) and tomato sauce-based dishes."

See, it's not only me!


  • At 5:55 pm, May 29, 2006, Blogger M said…

    LOL, sounds about right to me!

  • At 1:59 am, May 30, 2006, Blogger Ramon said…

    I mean, I try and I try to convince my Italian friends that there are other cuisines worth checking out, but they usually go into this overtly nationalistic discourse about the regionalism of Italy and how much variety in cuisine they have within their country's borders, using that as a justification for not opening up to other national dishes.

    After seeing grimmacing Italian faces at kimchi and young adults literally sword fighting with chopsticks, I was just thankful that I did not invite them to eat Ethiopian food. (You eat it without silverware, using the injera bread as a utensil.) Man, would that have been embarassing!


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