Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Thursday, May 11, 2006

On The Fence

Literally. On the fence. Stuck really. Until some nice gentleman who happened to be standing on the other side lent me a helping hand.

We were at the park. Stacy, another teacher Melanie, and I had decided to go chill in the park, drink some Prosecco, and have a good ol' bitchfest about life. We were there until about 7:45 pm just relaxing and enjoying the weather when we decided to head home.

When we tried to leave, we discovered that we had been LOCKED IN THE PARK(!!!) with about two dozen other people. Yeah. Apparently they close the park at 7. Seven!!! I mean really....Close the park???

The only way out was over the (extremly high) fence. Although no one else seemed to have trouble climbing it...


  • At 4:49 am, May 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I feel your pain- I was once (well, twice really) locked in the cemetary, and had to climb the wall while wearing a skirt... not fun.


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