Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Electricity Queen Strikes Again

Once again, today is not my day for electrical appliances.

First I made a smoothie with my cute, little blender that I bought at Media World (which, contrary to popular belief does not sell only media related items) a little while ago. Well somehow I guess I didn't put the rubber washer on properly because as soon as I started blending, my smoothie started leaking out the bottom. But what can you do at that point really, with a blender full of stuff? So I continued blending to my heart's content.

Of course smoothie crap got everywhere, including running through the blender and making a little puddle underneath. Great. Now I had to really wash the blender instead of just wiping it down.

After I finished washing it, I plugged it back in doesn't work. *sigh* I am hoping maybe after it dries out it will be fine. And please no comments about me plugging in a wet blender, thank you.

Then on my way back to my room with my smoothie (while I was trying to determine if it tasted like blender motor or not) I smelled this really acrid, burning smell as I passed the bathroom with the washing machine in it. Upon further investigation, I discovered that my washing machine smells like burning, with my sheets in there. In the middle of a cycle. But what can I do at that point really? I turned off the washer to see if I could find out where the smell was coming from, but no such luck. So I opened a window and turned the machine back on.

My sheets are now spinning away to their heart's contenet. I just hope they don't come out smelling like burning.


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