Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I Have Had an Electrical Mishap

Surely anyone who knows me isn't surprised by this. I don't seem to have much luck with electricity, or electrical appliances. *frown*

My other roommate Alison had to go back to Canada for a few days to sort out her visa. We figured that while she was there, she could get us a wireless router since they are so expensive here. She came back yesterday, and we were anxious to set it up.

I have been crowned the Techo Wizard of the house thanks to all my residual knowledge of computers that I gleened from dating the computer teacher for two years (thanks George!). So 0f course I was the one voted to set about getting this router thing going.

I checked the voltage thing on the plug for the router (120 volts and 60 hertz) and for some reason figured that it would be fine to plug in. I got a plug adaptor and hooked everything up.

Of course (and I do know this), the voltage is too strong here and after a few moments, the plug adaptor sparked, there was a popping noise, and all the lights went out. Figures. I had the thing out of the box for not even 5 minutes...*shakes head*

Hopefully the actual router is fine and we can just buy a new plug for it. I am thinking it will be since it didn't smell like burning plastic, only the plug did.


  • At 8:54 pm, September 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you should not be touching any electrical when you have a cast on, you should be in a padded room where you can't hurt yourself or anyone that gets in your path!

  • At 11:41 am, October 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Words fail me...

    Hmmmm. I think your router is dead meat along with the adapter...

    ---Tech Guy You dated for 2 years but hardly listened to!


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