Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Fait Accompli

The first week of school is over. And so is my weekend just about. Tomorrow we start with full days of school, and I am really not sure how I am going to make it teaching until 4pm. It was already exhausting teaching half-days! But we will all get into the swing of things in no time, I am sure.

After the bat incident, nothing that qualifies as "exciting" has happened lately, but I did manage to accomplish a few things:

1. I gave myself a French pedicure. It doesn't look too bad really considering that a) I haven't painted my own toes in about two years owing to the fact that pedicures were so cheap in the DR, and b) I have never actually done a French paint job before. I didn't even use the little sticker things that help you paint the white part in a straight line.

2. I bought a book in Italian to help me along. It is a kid's book, Le Streghe (The Witches) by Roald Dhal. So far so good. At least I can understand Italian even if I have problems speaking it right now.

Tomorrow, after I survive my first full day of teaching, I hope to go buy a bicycle and get a cell phone.


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