Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Monday, September 05, 2005


I totally rock! I have managed to get the internet connected at home. It turned out to be quite the ordeal. Not as simple as one would think/hope/expect.

The previous tenants in this apartment had internet, and apparently never disconnected it, so when the director called to put in an order, the people at Telecom were all like "What do you mean they don't have internet?"

So we hunted around and found the modem and cables that they left (we use ADSL here, through the phone lines) and tried to hook it up, but it didn't work. Again, when the director called to tell them that, they were all like "What do you mean they don't have internet?"

SO! Then we learned that we needed some kind of installation CD for the modem. Well of course, that is what the previous tenants didn't leave behind. We got another CD from someone, but it was for a different kind of modem, so it didn't work.

By this point we were getting a little irritated with the whole situation. But today we talked to a few other teachers and found out that you can download the installation stuff. Which would be great IF I could connect my laptop to the network at school, but the technician hasn't put me on the network yet.

Anyways, finally we were able to find the correct download at school and put in on my pendrive (yay George!) so I could install it later.

And it worked!!! Hurdle number 1 accomplished. I am indeed the Techno Wizard. Now we just have to get a router so my roommate can hook up at the same time as me.

Note: I have published some posts below about last week that I wrote in MS Word while unable to connect to the internet. The dates and times have been altered to reflect actual happenings.


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