Today is four days after my accident and I seem to finally be recovering. Well, in so much as things have stopped getting progressively more swollen and bruised. I think the injuries have plateaued, which is a good thing. It really is quite disturbing to see oneself continually getting more purpley-blue and puffy by the minute.
In all the hulabaloo surrounding my broken thumb, I neglected to notice my scraped knee which promptly turned purplish, swelled up, and became virtually non-existant by Sunday night. Boy am I glad we have an elevator at school!
But today things are feeling better....or at least not worse. It can only get better from here, right? And more importantly, I feel better too. I was pretty traumatized by the whole thing really. It is quite a scary thing to happen at all, nevermind in a foreign country where you are without your family and friends. But everyone here has been pretty sweet about it, asking if I am ok and stuff. And the kids are totally fascinated by it all. They want to see everything! Like, roll up the pantleg, take off the bandages kind of thing. Too funny. One of the other second graders (not in my class) came up to me today and was like "Excuse me, but what have you done to yourself?!" It was hilarious.
Tomorrow I go back to the clinic for more x-rays. Fingers crossed (ha ha) that my bone is knitting just fine and doesn't need any help from some surgery and a metal pin.
In all the hulabaloo surrounding my broken thumb, I neglected to notice my scraped knee which promptly turned purplish, swelled up, and became virtually non-existant by Sunday night. Boy am I glad we have an elevator at school!
But today things are feeling better....or at least not worse. It can only get better from here, right? And more importantly, I feel better too. I was pretty traumatized by the whole thing really. It is quite a scary thing to happen at all, nevermind in a foreign country where you are without your family and friends. But everyone here has been pretty sweet about it, asking if I am ok and stuff. And the kids are totally fascinated by it all. They want to see everything! Like, roll up the pantleg, take off the bandages kind of thing. Too funny. One of the other second graders (not in my class) came up to me today and was like "Excuse me, but what have you done to yourself?!" It was hilarious.
Tomorrow I go back to the clinic for more x-rays. Fingers crossed (ha ha) that my bone is knitting just fine and doesn't need any help from some surgery and a metal pin.
At 8:53 pm, September 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
if it's going to happen in a foreign country, you couldn't ask for a better place to be in than at school with those kids, they'll look after you.
At 11:43 am, October 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Please be careful with little kids asking to roll up your pants. Yes, they are little kids, but don't forget they're Italian!
Take care of yourself!
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