Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

R.I.P. Elmo


I bought a bottle of spray-in conditioner way back in '94. When it ran out, I bought a new one, filled the old bottle with water and wrote WATER with a sharpie on the sides of the bottle so I wouldn't get confused.

During the last 12 years, I have refilled that bottle countless times. I have re-written the words WATER each time they began to fade, even though they haven't made this brand of spray-in conditioner for 10 years now and I no longer need the clarification of which bottle is which.

Lately I had been using the bottle to help me cool off at night since it has been so hot here. Today while packing up, I tossed the bottle on the bed and went off to do some stuff. When I came back in, I noticed a big, wet spot under the bottle. And that is when I saw the crack.....


RIP in Recycle Heaven Elmo.


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