Procrastination: It's Just So Easy
I am supposed to be planning right now. "Planning what?" you foolishly ask. Well I'll tell you.
Before we go on our Christmas holidays at 12:30 this Thursday afternoon, we responsible teachers are required to hand in our planning binders (you know, the ones with all the plans) to the principal so she can spend her wonderful two week vacation rifling through them, checking to make sure we have all our plans. I have been giving this some serious thought since the time she made the announcement that she was collecting our binders, but I am still yet to come to a reasonable conclusion as to WHY, exactly, anyone would want to spend their vacation surrounded by 20 or so binders full of plans. Nope. No idea. Maybe that's why I'm just a teacher and not the principal.
But I digress.
As I was saying, I am supposed to be working on these plans right now, but am not having the easiest time of it. Yes, it's true. I am having a hard time looking twelve weeks into the future and coming up with a concrete plan of what's to be taught when. And it's not even twelve weeks starting tomorrow. Oh no, it's twelve weeks starting three weeks from now, which would really be 15 weeks into the future. *sigh*
But I still haven't answered WHAT exactly it is that I am planning. Well really, I am not succeeding in planning anything at the moment. What I should be trying to plan, or what I am kind of trying to plan is the upcoming science, history/geography, and art lessons for the next 12 weeks from January 9th to February 17th.
I know the general topics, but now I need to sort out the specifics for each lesson. You know, stuff like exactly what about the human body we are going to learn, etc. But as you can see, I am not having much luck. I suppose the fact that I left most of my curriculum binders, and resources at school isn't really helping me out here. Oh well. I still have three days left starting tomorrow.
Before we go on our Christmas holidays at 12:30 this Thursday afternoon, we responsible teachers are required to hand in our planning binders (you know, the ones with all the plans) to the principal so she can spend her wonderful two week vacation rifling through them, checking to make sure we have all our plans. I have been giving this some serious thought since the time she made the announcement that she was collecting our binders, but I am still yet to come to a reasonable conclusion as to WHY, exactly, anyone would want to spend their vacation surrounded by 20 or so binders full of plans. Nope. No idea. Maybe that's why I'm just a teacher and not the principal.
But I digress.
As I was saying, I am supposed to be working on these plans right now, but am not having the easiest time of it. Yes, it's true. I am having a hard time looking twelve weeks into the future and coming up with a concrete plan of what's to be taught when. And it's not even twelve weeks starting tomorrow. Oh no, it's twelve weeks starting three weeks from now, which would really be 15 weeks into the future. *sigh*
But I still haven't answered WHAT exactly it is that I am planning. Well really, I am not succeeding in planning anything at the moment. What I should be trying to plan, or what I am kind of trying to plan is the upcoming science, history/geography, and art lessons for the next 12 weeks from January 9th to February 17th.
I know the general topics, but now I need to sort out the specifics for each lesson. You know, stuff like exactly what about the human body we are going to learn, etc. But as you can see, I am not having much luck. I suppose the fact that I left most of my curriculum binders, and resources at school isn't really helping me out here. Oh well. I still have three days left starting tomorrow.
At 9:28 am, December 19, 2005,
Anonymous said…
wait, please tell me this is a global planner and not a specific day to day planner with every maths/english/etc lesson in there? oh god! I hope our prin never makes us do that. I haven't even had a planner for the last three weeks..let alone the future.
At 2:24 am, December 22, 2005,
Anonymous said…
did you know that exactly halfway between jan 9 and feb 17 is the 28 of january.
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