Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Squish Squash

Today another teacher hosted an American Thanksgiving at her house, complete with turkey and all! It was delicious. This time I decided to bring a squash dish. I know my mom makes great spaghetti squash, so I asked her for the recipe.

After some confusion on how to actually cook the squash in order to be able to follow the recipe, I was off and running. I decided to boil the squash (really it is what passes for pumpkin in these parts, but it is squat, and green and looks nothing like a "pumpkin") whole in a big pot, wait for it to cool down, and then cut it up and scrape it out, which seemed to work fine.

Then I sauteed a clove of garlic and half a medium onion in olive oil until the onions were semi-transparent, added a half a teaspoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of mixed seasoning (it has basil, rosmary, tyme, and some other stuff in it) and some salt and pepper. While that was doing its thing, I diced a large tomato and sliced some canned black olives and added them to the mix just long enough to heat the tomatoes and olives, but not cook them. Then I made a "gravy pit" in the squash like you do with mashed potatoes, poured the mixture into it and: Ta-daa!!!

I must say, the end result was rather colourful and tasty! Thanks mom!!!


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