Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Thanks For the Compliment?

I pretty much did nothing with my kids today at all due to the constant inturruptions and schedule changes from the Christmas play (note to self: run and hide next play practice). I managed to read them a story and send them off in partners to make a Wanted Poster for the main character of the book while I cut out gingerbread man and lady templates for an art activity that we are going to be doing sometime in, whenever we are not practicing for that damn play!!!

While I was busy cutting out templates, much to the fascination of my children, cat vomit boy came up to me about 100 times to see what I was doing---more because a) he can't sit still to save his life, than b) he was actually curious to know what I was up to. At some point he came over when I had switched from cutting out gingerbread men to cutting out gingerbread ladies.

"Oh. Another gingerbread man."

I, of course, corrected him and said "Gingerbread lady," to which he replied "Oh, a gingerbread LADY. She looks like you."

Let me get this straight: I look like a gingerbread lady. Not the first descriptive I would have come up with for myself, that's for sure. And not only do I look like a gingerbread lady, which might be fine and dandy if he were referring to a nicely decorated COOKIE, but I apparently resemble a piece of featureless cardboard cut in some semblance of a gingerbread lady shape!

Thanks, I think.

Really, you have to wonder where kids come up with some of this stuff sometimes. Best not too think about it too much though. It boggles the mind.


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