Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Friday, July 07, 2006

Finally Recovered

Exactly one week ago today I was sitting on a plane on the runway of the Philidelphia airport simultaneously sleeping and praying that my flight wouldn't get cancelled.

Here's a rundown of the events which took place on June 29, 2006:

7 am: Woke up in apartment in Italy, finished moving things to new apartment, and got ready.

8:30 am: Dropped off apartment keys to the school and received depsoit

9 am: Headed to Marco Polo airport

10:15 am: Checked in for flight. Was asked to consider giving up my seat until the next day due to flight over-booking in exchange for a free flight or a 400 Euro voucher. I said no.

11:40 am: Departed Venice for Philadelphia.

Sometime during flight: Was amused by antics of drunk mother of three who was so intoxicated that she couldn't even help her 6 year old daughter go to the bathroom when she got sick because the mother drugged all of her children before lunch with adult sleeping pills.

Eastern Standard Time starts here...

3:30 pm: Landed in Philly, cleared customs, re-checked by bag and discovered that my 5:40 pm flight to Toronto had been CANCELLED!

3:31 pm: Had minor heart attack.

3:32 pm: Spoke to airline and was re-booked on the 7:55pm flight to Toronto.

3:35 pm - 7 pm: Amused myself in the airport as best as humanly possible given that I was running on about 5 hours of sleep and my body thought it was around 1am due to the time difference.

7:01 pm: Announcement that the flight would be about 30 minutes late. Ran into New Homeowner's husband who was in the area for a work thing.

8 pm: Began boarding. I got bumped up to first class due to the previous flight cancellation.

8:30 pm: Finally pulled away from the gate.

8:31 pm - 10:30 pm: Sat on the runway waiting for the bad weather to clear from our flight path.

10:31 pm: Pilot announced that they crew had "timed out" and were unable to continue working so we headed back to the terminal and deboarded the plane.

11:30 pm: They announced that the flight was CANCELLED because they could not find another crew to fly the plane.

Midnight: Announced that the flight would be rescheduled for 6am the following morning, and that all the boarding passes had to be reissued.

At this point I decided to stay in the airport since it would take at least an hour, if not more, to reissue all the boarding passes, and then travel time to the hotel and back. I figured it just wouldn't be worth it. By the time I got my new boarding pass, it had been 24 hours since I had woken up in Padova and I was exhausted. So I pushed two rows of seats together so I could sleep in the middle where the arm rests wouldn't attack me, and busted out the earplugs, eye mask, and grabbed a couple of blankets.

I actually managed three hours of sleep, but even the ear plugs couldn't fully block out the terrible classical music that played all night.

In the end, I finally made it home (thank goodness!! There was a short time where I was afraid I was going to be stuck in the Philly airport for days). And now, a week later, I think I have finally recovered from it all! Just think, I get to do it all again in about a month.


  • At 5:28 am, July 07, 2006, Blogger Just Say No said…

    Did you get first class from Philly to Toronto?

  • At 11:24 am, July 07, 2006, Blogger M said…

    oh you poor thing! Glad you're finally safe at home.

  • At 6:37 pm, July 07, 2006, Blogger aussie wannabe said…

    Wow!! Sounds like a chapter from The Hitchhikers`Guide to the Galaxy!!! Glad u made it home though. Talk to you soon. Hey! thanks for the comment on my blog, I am enjoying it a lot more!!!

  • At 3:04 am, July 08, 2006, Blogger Trundling Grunt said…

    Philadelphia is one of the worst airports I've ever been stuck in. There seem to be no end of airplanes but none of them are going anywhere. Weird.

    welcome back

  • At 3:56 am, July 08, 2006, Blogger Going Somewhere said…

    Just Say No: Yes I did end up with first class on the morning flight too.

    Mez: Yeah me too! It was by far the worst airport experience to date. Just think, I could have flown to Australia in the time it took me to get from Italy to Toronto!

    Aussie: I'll have to read that so I can relate!

    Grunt: I am getting that impression about the Philly airport. There were several people on my flight that do that route weekly, and they were saying that stuff like that always happens.

    Well I know better now. Never flying into Philly again!

  • At 4:34 am, July 08, 2006, Blogger Raghav said…

    you had an eventful trip, seems like the adventures began too early ;-)

  • At 2:38 am, July 21, 2006, Blogger Trundling Grunt said…

    any more news???


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