I Forgot My Cow
Poor Little Pink Cow. The most travelling she has done lately has been from one side of my bedroom to the other.
This Thursday, my mom arrived to visit me in Italy. Before she came, we planned a trip to Paris for the weekend since it was something I had wanted to do with her way back when I was still studying French.
Anyways, we thought that this would be the perfect opportunity (that and the airfare was dead cheap: 0.03 Euro one way plus tax = 22.50 Euro) so yesterday morning we hopped on a plane and off we flew. A more accurate description of events would be to say that we took a local bus to the regional bus terminal, and then a regional bus to the Treviso airport about 75 minutes outside of Padova, checked in, waited around, stood in line for a bit, AND THEN hopped on a plane, but that just sounds way less spontaneous!
On the way to Paris, we flew over the Alps in Austria and Switzerland.
Totally amazing. What's nice is that because it was a short flight, we stayed comparatively low to the ground.
When we landed in Paris (more specifically Beauvais), we jumped on a shuttle bus (another 75-80 minutes) and headed into Paris!

Ah Gaie Paris!!! It was lovely. We were only there for a short time, so we didn't get to see much up close, but just being there was enough. And yes, that is a Gap bag you see in my hand. The bus dropped us off right in front of a mall. I couldn't resist. I told you the Gap was evil!
So...we went shopping, then had crepes for lunch, hopped on the metro, saw the Eiffel Tower, took a boat ride down the Seine, ate dinner in the Champs Elysees (dead expensive!!!), returned to the area where we had to catch the bus in the morning, got a hotel, and slept for about 5
hours. What fun!
The city has a really great atmosphere. And much to my surprise:
a) the people there were really nice,
b) they spoke French to me when I spoke French to them,
and perhaps the most surprising thing of all:
c) I can still totally speak French!!!
I guess those 12 years of study weren't a waste after all. I thought for sure I wouldn't remember a thing given that I haven't so much as read 'the other side' of a box of cereal in Canada for the last 8 years. But lo and behold, I was rattling away, conjugating verbs and tenses like nobody's business. Tres bien if I do say so myself.
So that's what I got up to this weekend. But I forgot the cow! I had ideally wanted to get a picture of her with the Eiffel Tower for my blog profile, but alas, it was not to be. I really must try to remember her when I go travelling at Christmas. She *is* my travel mascot after all.
This Thursday, my mom arrived to visit me in Italy. Before she came, we planned a trip to Paris for the weekend since it was something I had wanted to do with her way back when I was still studying French.
Anyways, we thought that this would be the perfect opportunity (that and the airfare was dead cheap: 0.03 Euro one way plus tax = 22.50 Euro) so yesterday morning we hopped on a plane and off we flew. A more accurate description of events would be to say that we took a local bus to the regional bus terminal, and then a regional bus to the Treviso airport about 75 minutes outside of Padova, checked in, waited around, stood in line for a bit, AND THEN hopped on a plane, but that just sounds way less spontaneous!
On the way to Paris, we flew over the Alps in Austria and Switzerland.

When we landed in Paris (more specifically Beauvais), we jumped on a shuttle bus (another 75-80 minutes) and headed into Paris!

Ah Gaie Paris!!! It was lovely. We were only there for a short time, so we didn't get to see much up close, but just being there was enough. And yes, that is a Gap bag you see in my hand. The bus dropped us off right in front of a mall. I couldn't resist. I told you the Gap was evil!
So...we went shopping, then had crepes for lunch, hopped on the metro, saw the Eiffel Tower, took a boat ride down the Seine, ate dinner in the Champs Elysees (dead expensive!!!), returned to the area where we had to catch the bus in the morning, got a hotel, and slept for about 5
hours. What fun!
The city has a really great atmosphere. And much to my surprise:
a) the people there were really nice,
b) they spoke French to me when I spoke French to them,
and perhaps the most surprising thing of all:
c) I can still totally speak French!!!
I guess those 12 years of study weren't a waste after all. I thought for sure I wouldn't remember a thing given that I haven't so much as read 'the other side' of a box of cereal in Canada for the last 8 years. But lo and behold, I was rattling away, conjugating verbs and tenses like nobody's business. Tres bien if I do say so myself.
So that's what I got up to this weekend. But I forgot the cow! I had ideally wanted to get a picture of her with the Eiffel Tower for my blog profile, but alas, it was not to be. I really must try to remember her when I go travelling at Christmas. She *is* my travel mascot after all.
At 2:38 am, October 17, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i can't tell what your purse is and did you do something to blank out your eyes or are those weird sun glasses?
At 8:00 am, October 17, 2005,
Going Somewhere said…
no purse, just a backpack, and yes I blanked out my eyes.
At 10:05 pm, October 18, 2005,
New Homeowner said…
perhaps a picture of the little pink cow on a gondola would be cute?
At 4:45 pm, October 19, 2005,
Winnipeg Damsel said…
It's so totally awesome that you can just up and fly to Paris. Je suis totally jealous.
At 10:29 pm, October 30, 2005,
Ramon said…
If you want... I can find a pink cow, walk over to la Tour, and take a pic of la vache chillin' on the Champs de Mars. But I don't want to create some jealousy issues between your real pink cow and his bizzaro over here in Pierre-land.
Oh, and the whole bus-to-random-airport-in-random-city-internet-fligths thing is so annoying, but really the only cheap way to travel.
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