Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Monday, May 30, 2005

Ode to Mould

I live on an island in the carribean. It is hot and humid here (the current temp. being 32 degrees Celcius with 68% humidity---what that is with the humidex I can only imagine!). I should just come to accept this fact and quit complaining. After all, it was my choice to move here and avoid the -40 windchill factor that finds Toronto in February. But now, after extensive experience working in what basically amounts to a non-airconditioned hut with a tin roof, I am beginning to think that the cold might not be so bad after all. Cold air kills things. Cold air does not contain moisture. Cold air lets things dry. These are very important qualities for air to have. Warm, moist air is a haven for God knows what, most of which ends up growing on a multitude of things that were previously unknown to be ideal breeding grounds for mould. Yes folks, that's right. Mould is not just for food! Everything from shoes, belts, shower curtains, towels, clothes that have been in the closet for too long, my leather purse, money, my mattress (the grossest!), the inside of suitcases, and pretty much anything else that you can think of is capable of growing mould! And, it's not all green and fuzzy either! Oh no. There's black mould, white mould, orange mould, gray mould. It's a veritable rainbow of mould! Really, it is quite disgusting.

But I did make a small step in my battle against bacteria today. My latest discovery is that plastic shower curtains CAN be put in the washing machine! YAY! Once again I can shower without fear of the slime-encrusted curtain touching me. It is a good day.


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