Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Whale Watching

Yesterday was the field trip to Samana with the third grade classes to go whale watching! It was awesome!!! The 4 hour bus ride there and back wasn't so great. I got the joy of being responsible for F, my table throwing student, all day as his mother sent him alone without his Ritalen....boy was that a fun bus ride home! You try getting an ADHD kid to sit quietly for 4 hours. Not easy.

The whales were amazing! At one point there were Humpback whales every which way we turned! This is the time of year for them to migrate south to have their babies, so they were everywhere. But oh my goodness the ocean was ROUGH!!! I was focussing on the horizon most of the time...until the whales came along. Then I didn't care about seasickness!


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