Off My Toes
*edit* These posts are just priceless! I am beginning to wonder how I made it out of that country alive! *edit*
(Feb. 18, 2004)
Well, I am happy to tell you all that there have been no more one-armed man incidents. I am still boycotting the restaurant, but Stacy, Yolande, and Matt have been back there with nothing to report.
That said, however, there is still plenty to keep me on my toes around here--or off them for that matter! I have had an interesting last few days, to say the least. It all started out on Wednesday morning when I was getting out of the shower to get ready for school. We have these blackish-reddish bugs that come out of the bathtub drain (at least they come out of my bathtub drain) once in a while. They are "tropical centipedes" according the the children's dictionary in my classroom. Anyways, they can be small, or incredibly large!!! The large ones are disgusting, and they smell funky. So of course, as I am in my towel getting out of the bathtub, I see a LARGE one (about 3 inches long) on the floor. It starts running out of the bathroom and into my room (naturally), so I grab the bug spray (the cheap bug spray that doesn't kill anything, but is better than nothing at all) and spray the thing to high heaven. Well it just keeps running around, but now there is a huge puddle of bug spray on the tile floor right in between the doorway to my room and the bathroom.
So jump over the puddle into the bathroom to get toilet paper and squish it now that it is more or less swimming. After I squish it, I go to jump over the puddle again to throw the centipede in the toilet and KABOOM!!!! I totally slip in the bug spray and come crashing to the floor, hitting my bad knee directly on the bone on the corner of the door frame. OUCH!! But I still managed to flush the bug! This happened about 10 minutes before I had to be at school, so I picked myself up, quickly got dressed and hobbled up the street. Boy was my knee killing! I couldn't walk so well that day but after school I rested it and the next day it was somewhat better, if not more purple. That will teach me to go killing bugs in my bare feet!!!
(Feb. 18, 2004)
Well, I am happy to tell you all that there have been no more one-armed man incidents. I am still boycotting the restaurant, but Stacy, Yolande, and Matt have been back there with nothing to report.
That said, however, there is still plenty to keep me on my toes around here--or off them for that matter! I have had an interesting last few days, to say the least. It all started out on Wednesday morning when I was getting out of the shower to get ready for school. We have these blackish-reddish bugs that come out of the bathtub drain (at least they come out of my bathtub drain) once in a while. They are "tropical centipedes" according the the children's dictionary in my classroom. Anyways, they can be small, or incredibly large!!! The large ones are disgusting, and they smell funky. So of course, as I am in my towel getting out of the bathtub, I see a LARGE one (about 3 inches long) on the floor. It starts running out of the bathroom and into my room (naturally), so I grab the bug spray (the cheap bug spray that doesn't kill anything, but is better than nothing at all) and spray the thing to high heaven. Well it just keeps running around, but now there is a huge puddle of bug spray on the tile floor right in between the doorway to my room and the bathroom.
So jump over the puddle into the bathroom to get toilet paper and squish it now that it is more or less swimming. After I squish it, I go to jump over the puddle again to throw the centipede in the toilet and KABOOM!!!! I totally slip in the bug spray and come crashing to the floor, hitting my bad knee directly on the bone on the corner of the door frame. OUCH!! But I still managed to flush the bug! This happened about 10 minutes before I had to be at school, so I picked myself up, quickly got dressed and hobbled up the street. Boy was my knee killing! I couldn't walk so well that day but after school I rested it and the next day it was somewhat better, if not more purple. That will teach me to go killing bugs in my bare feet!!!
At 11:11 pm, November 04, 2006,
M said…
hahahaha I've done the slip on excess bug spray too.
Those bugs sound horrific! I have been known to spray the bejesus out of any bug. Why can't they stay outside where they belong??
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