Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's That Time Again

While getting all your dental work done within a year and a half means that you're home free for the next 6-7 years, it also means that all your fillings start to wear down at around the same time, thusly all needing to be replaced within months of each other.

Yes. I seemed that it was once again time to visit the dentist. One of my molars had been hurting on and off, which I attributed to a cavity under my filling. I knew I had to get it checked out, but the question was where? I spoke to a few teachers at school, but most of them are from England and just get their dental work done when they fly home for a weekend.

In my class about a week and a half ago I was talking with my students about the future and what they wanted to do when they grew up. One of mine said he wanted to be a dentist like his mom. Bingo! So, on Monday when I had my parents' meetings, I asked her if I could make an appointment to see her. Ironically enough, she is the wife of the bone doctor who tried to hit on me when I asked him to take a look at my broken thumb (I never did let him give me a check up, by the way). How's that for coincidence.

Anyways, today I went to meet her in a small town called Legnaro. She came to pick me up at the bus stop with her son, my student, and his older brother who is in 5th grade. Everything went well. A little painful, but not too bad. She was not officially working today, so it was just her, the kids, and me in the office, and she left the door to the room open so she could keep an eye on the kids while she worked on my tooth. At one point I opened my eyes while she was drilling, and all I saw was my student's face peering over her shoulder, through a magnifying glass no less, into my mouth. It was pretty funny. There's nothing like a kid present to help stand up to your fears and act brave. Especially when you teach that kid, and have to face them respectably on Monday morning.

After she filled my tooth, she took me out with them for an apperativo at a nearby cafe before driving me back home, which I thought was pretty nice of her.

So now I have a new tooth that, when it stops being sensitive from the drilling, I am sure will be good as new. And the best part about it all??? She didn't even charge me for it. How incredibly awesome of her!!!


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