Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Damn Newton and his new-fangled "gravity" idea. If it hadn't been for him, we could have all gone around in a perpetual state of happiness, oblivious to the invisible force trying to drag things down.

But no.

Some apple had to get the bright idea of falling off a tree right onto his head and BAM! Hello gravity.

And as we all know, you can only resist the laws of physics for so long. They will catch up with you eventually. Well, it seems as if they have finally caught up with me.

The euphoric high I had been riding on for the last week began its slow descent Monday at around 8:30 in the morning, and the downward trend has continued. The gravity in this case happened to be teacher absences, rainy days, indoor playtimes, and hyper kids, not to mention parent meetings (they are next week but the ones who can't make it are starting to come in now), a class assembly to prepare, and the final assignment of my (waste of money) on-line course due in a week.


But that's ok, because Travel Bug has her own axiom:

What Comes Down Must Go Up.

It's just a matter of time.


  • At 1:43 pm, March 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "What Comes Down Must Go Up."

    You're priceless! :)

    Love Daddy.

  • At 3:57 pm, March 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey girl Love the new word you taught me 'axiom'. Sounds like it's time for a much needed vacation! Hang in there....

    love you - gigi

  • At 9:19 pm, March 24, 2006, Blogger Going Somewhere said…

    Mmmmmmm........vacation. *drool drool*

  • At 11:55 pm, March 24, 2006, Blogger M said…

    oh god..rainy day timetables are the worst. Our weather has been quite warm lately and I hope we don't have any 'hot day timetables' when we go back. They are a killer! I say let 'em run around outside and find their own shelter survivor style. Now that's learning!

    If a teacher is absent do you split the grade or get an emergency teacher in?

  • At 3:21 pm, March 26, 2006, Blogger Going Somewhere said…

    LOL! Survivor-style shelter finding. I wish!

    Oh Mez, if only for an emergency teacher! If a teacher is sick, then the rest of us have to cover depending on who has a free period during the day. I usually have to cover absences Tuesday afternoons, and Thursday mornings since that is when my class has Italian.

    If there are not teachers available to cover in the afternoon, then the class gets split.

    It is just great.

  • At 7:14 am, March 30, 2006, Blogger Just Say No said…

    What comes down must go up -- call it the Roller Coaster principle on life.


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