Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Homeward Bound

It's official: I have survived my first Italian Christmas, fish and all.

Tomorrow Enzo and I are heading to Toronto for the next 8 days for some 'relaxing' with my family and friends.

Hope everyone had a great holiday and Happy New Year!!! I think *hope* 2007 will be an exciting one!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Super Naus

If I eat, or even look at one more piece of chocolate, I think I am going to be very, very sick.

I never thought this moment would come....

Friday, December 01, 2006

You Know You're Working Too Hard When....

You are sleeping peacefully in bed, off in dream land, when suddenly one of your students starts calling your name (in your dream) and you actaully wake up to answer them!