Travel Bug Chronicles

The mis-adventures of those living abroad who sometimes wish they weren't

Monday, May 22, 2006

Take Off My WHAT?!?!?

So I went to the chiropractor today for a much needed adjustment. I had been getting adjusted by a really nice woman I met in that Italian class I *started* taking when I first arrived. It turned out that she was a chiropractor living in the states on a 6 month leave to study Italian, and she kindly agreed to adjust my poor, misaligned vertebrae while she was here. And she did a great job! Sadly she had to return to the US in early March so it has been a while since my last adjustment, and I was starting to feel the effects. However, she has a chiropractor friend here who studied with her at Chiropractor School, so she referred me to him before she left (and yes, it has taken me this long to get around to calling him).

Well last week my back and neck were totally unhappy! Somehow I managed to pull something and I could barely sit and cross my legs. To top it off, I started getting headaches again, and actually had a headache for about three days or so. Definitely time for an adjustment! So I finally made an apointment for today after school.

So I showed up at the clinic and went into one of the rooms to fill out paperwork, etc. Then I was taken into another room to wait for the Dr. When he came in, he asked some health-history related questions, and gave me the run down about chiropractic care. Then he said he had to run out to treat another patient and that he would be back in about 10 minutes. In the meantime the secretary came in to give me my bill and say goodbye since she was leaving for the day.

*I pre-empt the next part of this post by saying that never at any point today did I feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or that I was in an awkward situation. What follows is a window into the thoughts of my entirely over-active imagination. Read at own risk!*

Of course at this point my mind started running away on me (thanks to all those stories you hear cautioning women, horrible porn movie plots (that I have only heard about of course!), etc.) and I began looking for ways to escape the room if necessary since the only witness has now left the building. After looking around the room I determined that I could fit through the slightly open window should it come to that.

*close mind window*

About 5 minutes later, the Dr. opened the door, told me to take off my shoes and pants, and then left.


*open mind window*

Take off my pants?! Now that's a bit strange. Why do I have to remove my pants? I am in some kind of film aren't I??? Franca never made me remove my pants. Maybe I don't really have to. No, surely I don't have to take my pants off. That would just be odd.

*close mind window*

At this point I just shook my head and started laughing. Only me.

When he came back in the room, I verified that my pants had to be off for this, and he said "Yeah, it's better. What's wrong, aren't you wearing any underwear?" I assured him I was and proceeded to take my pants off.

The rest of the visit was fine after I got over the 'I'm standing here in my underwear and a t-shirt' thing. He told me some interesting stuff about my spine and the side-effects of the particular vertabrae that were out of place.

At some point I was laying on the adjustment table and he said he was going to go put some music on and be right back.

*open mind window*

What kind of music could possibly start playing at this point, with me lying on a table, face down in my underwear? Where are the camera crews? Maybe I should go for the escape route!'

*close mind window*

A few moments later, the relaxing sounds of nature music flooded the room.

Then snap, crack, and pop!!! I got my neck and lower back adjusted!

*Breathes sigh of relief*

Now I can actually turn my head more than 180 degrees, my headache is gone, and I feel pretty damn good! I have 4 more Monday appointments right after school, and then will probably continue treatment when I get back in September.

Now I just have to decide what to wear!


  • At 5:36 pm, May 23, 2006, Blogger M said…

    lol, I go through that paranoia sometimes as well. I'm glad he fixed your back. I sometimes get back pain and have thought about seeing someone about it. It can be a real bugger!

  • At 6:11 pm, May 23, 2006, Blogger Winnipeg Damsel said…

    Hee. I sympathise with your paranoia! I'm all about the paranoia and I would totally think what you just did :D


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